Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

Tips to Decide on the Entertainment Cabinet for Your Home

Entertainment cabinets are a very good idea if you intend to keep all your entertainment and room decorations in one place. If you choose the right entertainment cabinet, it will not only add to the ambience of your home, but will also help as a secondary storage compartment, where you will be able to store all the objects that you use daily but do not want scattered all around the house. Here are three important tips to keep in mind while deciding on the cabinet for your home.

Check the Size of the Room:

Typically, one would place the television cabinet at the wall, and there are many possibilities that the cabinet would take up the full wall. It is also possible that the cabinet area may become an injury prone area in the house if there is a door right next to or near the wall with the cabinet. Make sure that there is a good five to six inches of breathing space between the doorway and the edge of the cabinet.

Check the Television Size:

The entertainment cabinet most probably will be home to the television, the DVD player and the audio system, if existent. Therefore, make sure to check the size of the television before you decide on an entertainment cabinet. There should be at least two to four inches of space between the television and the edge of the cabinet, to ensure the safe and hassle free positioning of the television set. Also remember to keep some space between the wall and the cabinet, so that the wires and other connections have breathing space.

Lockable Lower Compartments:

If you have a big entertainment cabinet, you can save some money when you are about to buy a cupboard and vice versa. However, if you have small kids at home, remember that they get all trigger happy by the time they are four and will open anything that can be - and one of their first victims are the lower compartments of the entertainment cabinet. So, you should either store only the kidstuff and unbreakable stuff in the lower compartments, or opt for compartments with lockable lower compartments.

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